Palatine Tonsils

Palatine Tonsils


The tonsils most commonly referred to, visible either side of the Oropharynx at the back of the tongue. Surface folded on itself, forming 15 or so crypts.


Normal Palatine Tonsils vary considerably in size. Can swell significantly when inflamed/infected, though rarely to the point of blocking the Oropharynx. Tonsillectomy was once very common particuarly in children, when associated with severe/recurrent sore throat/tonsillitis. There is evidence that tonsillectomy was performed up to 3,000 years ago. Big variation in surgical rates internationally. 500,000 tonsillectomies of under-15 year olds per year in USA (3:1 tonsilloadenoidectomy:tonsillectomy).

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