


Floor of temporal fossa and its overlying fascia.

Medial surface of coronoid process of mandible and anterior border of ramus of mandible.

Key Relations:
-Superficial to the muscle are the masseter and the temporal branches of the facial nerve.
-One of the four muscles of mastication.


-Elevates the mandible to occlude the teeth in mastication e.g. as in closing the mouth.
-Posterior fibres retract the mandible.


Nerve Supply:
Mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN 5).

Blood Supply:
Superficial temporal and deep temporal branches of the maxillary artery.


Testing the bulk and power of the temporalis and masseter muscles can be useful in the detection of a CN 5 lesion. Muscle bulk can be palpated above the mandible. Power can be tested by asking the patient to bite forcefully onto a wooden tongue depressor and trying to remove it from their mouth. A bite of normal strength will prevent this.

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