Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Extensor carpi radialis brevis


Lateral epicondyle of humerus via common extensor tendon, adjacent intermuscular septa.

The dorsal aspect of base of second and third metacarpal.

Key Relations:
-One of the four muscles in the superficial posterior compartment of the forearm.


-Extends the hand at the wrist joint
-Abducts the hand at the wrist (radial deviation) particularly when acting together with flexor carpi radialis and extensor carpi radialis longus.

E.g. as in typing. Also in hammering, where the hand goes from a flexed adducted position, to an extended abducted position.


Nerve Supply:
Deep branch of the radial nerve.

Blood Supply:
Radial artery.


Is affected in radial nerve palsy.

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