Superior colliculus

Superior colliculus


Paired structure that forms a superficial elevation on the dorsal side of the rostral midbrain. It is located within the tectum of the midbrain. The superior and inferior colliculi are collectively known as the corpora quadrigemina.

Blood Supply:
Supplied by branches of the posterior cerebral arteries.


Tectospinal fibers arise from the superior colliculus. Corticotectal axons from the visual cortex and the frontal lobe’s frontal eye field project to the superior colliculus, these projections are involved in the control of eye movements such as smooth pursuit or saccadic eye movements. It receives visual input along the visual pathway, and it appears that the tectospinal tract allows for the mediation of reflex movements which are prompted by visual stimuli.


Damage to the superior colliculus will result in impairment of saccadic eye movement.

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